MS Grade Anionic Cell Lysis Kit

Product Information
Anionic Cell Lysis Kit features the Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant II, a powerful acid cleavable detergent that alleviates the problems commonly associated with SDS and other detergents in proteomics studies. After completing the cell lysis, the cell extract solution can be adjusted to a pH of 2.5 - 3 (by TFA, formic acid, etc.) and incubated for 10-20 minutes to fully cleave the AALS into small organic molecules that do not exhibit surfactant activity or interfere with downstream sample preparation and analysis by techniques such as mass spectrometry, enzymatic digestions, 2D gel electrophoresis, and protein quantitation (e.g. Bradford and Lowry assays).
*本产品仅供研究使用。不我们e in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
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