Metabolomics Creative Proteomics

Creative Proteomics Metabolomics

Genetically Modified Crops Metabolome Analysis Service

Genetically Modified Crops Metabolome Analysis Service

We can provide metabolomics solutions for genetically modified crops for the following applications:

  • GMO safety evaluation:Substantial equivalence analysis. Consideration of introduced genes, newly expressed proteins and new secondary metabolites.
  • Unintended effects analysis:全面的无偏,非目标的分析和代谢组学分析。也可以以目标方式检测到一个或一类组件的差异。这些物体通常包括主要成分,次要成分,有毒物质,必需营养素,抗营养因素,etc.

Acceptable types of genetically modified crops, including but not limited to:

Rice, soybeans and other legumes, corn, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes.

Transgenic Crop Metabolome Analysis Process

Genetically Modified Crops Metabolome Analysis Service


Multiple analytical platforms, including GC-MS, LC-MS, UPLC-MS. Thousands of metabolites can be screened from a single biological sample, providing a comprehensive approach for probing disease mechanisms.

Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
GC (Q Exactive) (- mode MS)
HPLC: HILIC (+/- mode MS)
HPLC: RP C18 (+/-mode MS)
IC (- mode MS)
Orbitrap Tribrid MS

Creative Proteomics is a well-established partner in life science research and has extensive experience in metabolomics analysis. We provide solutions for GM crops research in the direction of metabolomics analysis, accelerating the exploration of new horizons in science. If you want to know more, please联系我们。期待与您合作。


