制备样品的过程基于研究对象的性质和选择样品预处理的研究方法。例如,将不同极性的溶剂应用于分离脂质可溶成分的药用植物的水溶性成分,这些植物的脂质可溶成分较小,这些成分的极性较小。此外,大多数初级二级代谢产物都不挥发,因此在样品提取后,样品的衍生化,例如酯化,酰化,电离,烷基化,等等, is required to obtain more samples available for analysis.
这separation techniques of metabolites usually include gas chromatogram (GC), liquid chromatogram (LC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The detection and identification techniques include IR spectrum, UV spectrum, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS).
Data conversion and analysis
After the metabolites are separated and identified, the raw chromatographic data are obtained. These data are voluminous and need to be converted into digital matrix data in order to clarify the statistical relationships between compounds and their biological significance. The methods of converting these numbers include eliminating noise interference, correcting the baseline, and segmenting the data to exclude the interference of environmental factors during the measurement.
After processing the raw data, the data needs to be analyzed. Commonly used data analysis can be divided into two types of identification models, supervised classification and unsupervised classification. The difference between the two models is that unsupervised classification uses known mathematical models to predict samples, while supervised classification classifies and filtersmetabolite assays来自原始测定概况。监督分类包括主要组件分析(PCA),分层聚类分析(HCA)和自组织图(SOM)。无监督的分类主要包括部分最小二乘 - 歧视分析(PLS-DA)和正交部分最小二乘 - 歧视分析(OPLS-DA)。
Figure 1. Various phytochemical techniques used in the field of medicinal plant research (Mukherjeeet al。,2016)。
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