Petroleum Analysis Service

石油分析服务Creative Proteomicssupport your research in petroleum feed stocks, crude oil, fuels and more petroleum-related products analysis.Petroleum Analysis ServiceatCreative Proteomicsoffers you a state-of-the-art gas separations platform that includes standard GCs with frequently used detectors, as well as GC-MS instruments.

Petroleum Analysis Service


  • Petroleum Hydrocarbons, including detailed light hydrocarbons, and Whole oil GC analysis
  • Saturate hydrocarbon, n-alkanes and Isoprenoids fraction Quantitative
  • Aromatic hydrocarbon fraction Quantitative
  • 里色尔voir Fluids Composition Analysis
  • Drilling Mud Contamination and Fingerprint Analysis
  • Identify the paraffin distribution in reservoir fluid using High temperature gas chromatography
  • Isoparaffins, Aromatics, Naphthenes, Olefins, Fuel Additives, Steroid, Isoprenoid, C15+ n-paraffin and Triterpanoid (hopane) Analysis
  • Alkylated PAHs Analysis
  • Steranes, Diterpanes and Triterpanes
  • The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Analysis for petroleum distillation boiling range distribution

Creative Proteomics'sanalytical scientists are highly experienced and knowledgeable in the application of GC analyses to a wide variety of industries ranging from Food & Beverage to Pharmaceuticals and much more. Experience, fast turnaround, clear concise written reports, and custom service are provided to help customers resolve your analytical and technical challenges.


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With a continuing focus on quality, we are proud of satisfying the needs of our clients both at home and abroad covering more than 50 countries and districts.

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