Metabolomics Creative Proteomics

Creative Proteomics Metabolomics

Fruit Tree Metabolomics Analysis Service

Fruit Tree Metabolomics Analysis Service

Fruit Tree Metabolomics Solutions

  • 研究果树中代谢物水平的研究,以了解其遗传因素,从而评估果实的质量并培养新品种。
  • To study the metabolite profiles of fruit trees of different genotypes, to discover new functional genes as well as to assess the riskiness of transgenic fruits.
  • 研究在不同的生态条件下果树代谢产物的差异,并确定不同地区果树的指纹特征,这将有助于辨别水果的地理起源。
  • To study the metabolite changes in fruit trees in response to biotic or abiotic stimuli of stress and host-virus interactions, and to reveal the reasons for the changes.
  • 分析果树生长和发育中代谢物水平的变化,以促进科学的果树管理和水果质量分析。
  • Promote research on prolonging fruit storage and preservation time, analyze fruit storage regulation, and assess the safety of chemical preservatives
  • Analyze the metabolic changes of fruit tree adversity.

The Process of Fruit Tree Metabolomics Analysis Services

Fruit Tree Metabolomics Analysis Service


Multiple analytical platforms, including GC-MS, LC-MS, UPLC-MS.

Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
GC (Q Exactive) (- mode MS)
HPLC: HILIC (+/- mode MS)
HPLC: RP C18 (+/-mode MS)
IC (- mode MS)
Orbitrap Tribrid MS

Creative Proteomics is a well-established partner in life science research and has extensive experience in metabolomics analysis. We provide solutions for fruit tree research in the direction of metabolomics analysis, accelerating the exploration of new horizons in science. If you want to know more, please联系我们。期待与您合作。



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